
Travel tips: Things to Think on Business Trips

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There will most likely be at least a couple times that you will have to travel for your work. Here are some key things that you need to think about if you are traveling. While it can be intimidating and confusing as to what you need to bring, here are some great ideas to make your next business trip fantastic.

Kill the noise

There is nothing worse than forgetting your ear plugs and having to hear a baby cry for your whole trip. You also might just have as tough a time with the noises that the plane itself makes. Make sure you bring earphones, earplugs, and anything else you need to kill the noise.

Nutrition matters

This is especially true if you are going for a long distance flight. You may be tempted to eat that burger or go for some heavy spaghetti, but you will regret it when the jet lag hits and your stomach is reeling. Make sure you are eating foods that are going to keep you awake and alert when you need to be. Fruits, salads, and fruit drinks are always a good idea. Don’t overdo it on the sodas as this can cause stomach problems as well.

Keep it clean

You may be too tired to shave, to wash your face, or do anything else, but you will be surprised at what it does for your attitude. Don’t forget to bring hand sanitizer. You will be around a lot of people with germs and you have to be at your best when you are going to a business appointment.

Stay away from the T.V.

Unless you don’t have much to do (most business people wish they could say this), then you should probably make sure you are taking time to prepare for presentations and meetings. Don’t walk over to your Norwalk, Connecticut hotel and switch on that TV or you will soon find that you have wasted over 2 hours of your life that you won’t get back.

Beating jet lag

It is time to play a trick on your body and it all has to do with effectively using your time before you get to the time zone of your destination. It’s all about the food and light. You need to trick your body into thinking that it is night time and that means that you eat less if it is night time in the area where you are going. It also means that you turn off the lights and try and get some sleep.

Look local

This is for security purposes as well as entertainment. You want people to think that you are local so they don’t take advantage of you.

Make sure you are doing all you can to keep yourself healthy and happy on a business trip. It may not be leisure but it can still be relaxing and shouldn’t cause stress, sickness, or fatigue. It’s the little things that can make a business trip enjoyable. So go out there, remember these tips, and enjoy your travel trip with these travel tips!


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